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Preparation for entrance exam

At the Faculty of Contemporary Arts you can prepare for the entrance examination free of charge to ensure that your talent shines in the best light at the exam itself. You have at your disposal an unlimited number of consultations with the teachers; make the most of them. Don’t miss the opportunity to receive expert advice and guidance from artists renowned in their field.

Entrance exam

The entrance exam comprises two parts. The candidates first take a drawing exam (four classes of drawing using charcoal). The topic is still life. Drawing paper is provided by the faculty, but you have to take drawing tools to the exam. This is followed by the professional part of the exam. The candidate is assigned a topic, and they do a professional assignment in graphic design – a poster, book, or logo. The professional part is done on A4 format using a technique of your choice. You have to submit a portfolio of your works.

Duration: 1 day, 8 school periods

At vocational courses you will attend at this department you will get tasks and solve problems same as those that professional designers face. Step by step, you will achieve the quality that is necessary for finding your first engagements.

At the Graphic Design module students are encouraged to work individually and in teams, to bring in new suggestions and to take initiative.

Besides the lectures at the faculty, they also have the chance to hear lectures by guest lecturers – preeminent experts in design, and learn from their experience.