Student play ‘The Blue Room’ staged at Yugoslav Drama Theater

/ / News / 28. 06. 2019.

FCA’s first-year drama students showcased their talent at the Yugoslav Drama Theater. They performed their exam play ‘The Blue Room’ on Tuesday, June 25, starting from 8 PM.

Despite the fact that they recently embarked on their studies, the young actors and teaching assistant Jovan Cekić delighted both their mentors and the audience.

An adaptation of Schnitzler’s ‘La Ronde’

This play is an adaptation of Schnitzler’s ‘La Ronde’, written in the late 19th century and successfully adapted and re-located to the preset day by playwright David Hare. The play deals with human loneliness that surrounds us all, making our heroes unwilling to make sacrifices and compromises for love. Hurt and cast away, they seemingly want superficial pleasure, but actually long to belong; to love and be loved.

Through two-person scenes, the author guides us through all classes, from prostitutes to aristocrats, telling us that loneliness, rejection and dissatisfaction have no regard for education or social status; they affect all of us.

Take a look at the students performing their exam play ‘The Blue Room’ at the Yugoslav Drama Theater: