/ / News / 6. 06. 2023.

The Faculty of Contemporary Arts has published a new edition as part of its publishing activities. It is the edition “DIGITALNI MARKETING – hrestomatija”, authored by Professor Dušan Stojaković, Milena Ilić, Nevenka Popović Šević, and Svetlana Jokić. The edition is available for purchase through the School Shop.

Digitalni marketing – hrestomatija” je izuzetno korisna knjiga namenjena studentima Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti u Beogradu, kao i svima onima koji se interesuju za sferu marketinga. Knjiga se sastoji od devet naučnih radova koji se bave različitim aspektima marketinga, s posebnim naglaskom na uslužni sektor.

The papers in this anthology were created through collaboration between professors of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts and their colleagues from other faculties and colleges for higher vocational education. The papers are predominantly in English to familiarize readers with the professional language of marketing and to consider marketing as a global phenomenon.

The book covers topics such as research on passenger satisfaction in public transport in Belgrade, integration of human resources and customer relationship management, student satisfaction in higher education, destination brand evaluation in rural tourism, and many others.

This book is a valuable source of information for all those involved in marketing, especially for marketing students who want to deepen their understanding of this field.