Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality: Connecting Lafayette College and the Faculty of Contemporary Arts

/ / News / 22. 05. 2024.

The Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade is becoming the center of an innovative collaboration between Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and the local art scene. On Monday, May 27, starting at 6 p.m., at 12 Svetozara Miletića Street in Belgrade, a presentation will be held on the project of the digitization of cultural heritage. This event will show the works of students from Lafayette College, as well as lectures on the application of virtual reality (VR) in art and the revitalization of cultural heritage.

This event will present the work of the VR Lab at Lafayette College, along with the VR and gaming studios of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts. It will present projects exploring new ways to experience cultural heritage through digital technologies. A special emphasis will be placed on using VR technology to “revive” cultural monuments, aiming to provide the audience with a unique experience of interacting with history and art.

Experience a unique journey through VR technology

The Belgrade audience will have the opportunity to learn about the project of the VR Lab at Lafayette College, which has already succeeded in digitizing cultural heritage in Italy and is now expanding to Serbia. The plan includes creating VR models of notable sites such as Gradac, Đurđevi stupovi, and Nerezi, allowing visitors to experience these monuments in a completely new way. For Gradac and Đurđevi stupovi, this involves “restoring” frescoes to their original locations, offering visitors a unique experience.

In addition to presenting specific projects, the event will discuss broader applications of VR technology and digital technologies in art. Professors from the VR and gaming studios of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts will share their insights on the future of this field, inviting attendees to envision a future where art and technology speak the same language.

Join us, don’t miss the chance to learn about innovative technologies

This event represents an important step towards connecting the global academic community and the local art scene, opening doors to new ways of experiencing and preserving cultural heritage through the innovative use of digital technologies.

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