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Shaping the artists that will mark the 21st century

Contemporary visual artists are not just painters or sculptors any more. Artists now combine digital and analogue, deal with programming, animation, robotics, VR and cyber arts, video games and 3D print.  Their ideas and works are erasing the limits, stimulating all of our senses at once.

Art can nowadays be touched, felt – one can be a part of it. More than ever, it influences global changes, it affects people’s awareness and their concepts of reality.

Do you belong to the new generation of artists?

You possess a sense of aesthetics and you believe that art can change the world. With your paintings, you are opening new dimensions and with your design, you present virtual reality. You always leave a part of yourself on stage, and the seventh art is your source of inspiration and new ideas.

In case you’ve recognized yourself in any part of this description, it means that FCA is the right place for you.

At Faculty of Contemporary Arts, you will obtain classic artistic skills enhanced by modern digital knowledge. At Faculty of Contemporary Arts, education means a balanced mixture of the modern and traditional methods, complementing each other.

Start living your passion

Seize the chance to get the knowledge you need in order to become a 21st century artist. Let your art projects define the modern age, let them become the famous works of art that the future generations will learn about. Faculty of Contemporary Arts is the only higher education institution in the region that enables you to reach your full artistic potential in the best possible environment and by working with the most current tools and technologies.