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Create modern or stage clothing that will be remembered

You have always dreamed about designing clothes and imagining your creations on others, haute couture or prêt-à-porter? Or perhaps you have wondered how you would create costumes for the actors while you were watching a movie or a play?

Using modern technology, you can create masks, costumes and clothes that will be remembered or become your trademark. Studies at the Fashion Design / Costume Design department turn you into competent, technically skillful artists who will know how to see the entire process of creating a work of art through, from the idea, through transferring said idea to paper, tailoring and sewing, all the way to the finished product.

This department’s teaching program is divided into six semesters and lasts three years. The program carries 180 ECTES credits and in the end you acquire the title of costume designer.

Whom is the Fashion Design / Costume Design department intended for?

The Fashion Design department will be chosen by creative people who want their ideas to be seen and realized in the spirit of modern times. The Fashion Design study program insists on creative approach to clothing creation in the broadest sense, so the students are encouraged to develop their own signature profile.

Whether you wish to create clothing for a wide audience or you would like to work on stage/set costumes for actors in theater and/or film, this department is the right choice for you.

Preparation for entrance exam

At the Faculty of Contemporary Arts you can prepare for the entrance examination free of charge to ensure that your talent shines in the best light at the exam itself. You have at your disposal an unlimited number of consultations with the teachers; make the most of them. Don’t miss the opportunity to receive expert advice and guidance from artists renowned in their field.

Entrance exam

Duration: 1 day, 6 school periods

The candidates draw a figure for 4 periods, after which they do the vocational segment.
Vocational segment: according to the given visual inspiration, the candidates present a color sketch of fashion and stage clothing. The task is done for 2 hours on A4 paper, using a technique of candidate’s choice.

Snežana Pešić Rajić
Pešić Rajić
Sonja Krstić
Zorica Lola
Aleksandra Đorđević
Irina Tomić
Uroš Dojčinović

This study program insists on a creative approach to conceiving and realization if clothing in the broadest sense, so the students are encouraged to develop an original artistic personality.

The goal is to use theoretical and practical work in order to educate a future independent, competenet expert – costume designer, as well as to create competencies for further academic education through all the further degrees: master, specialist and doctoral studies.

Upon the completion of the studies, you have become an educated creative, professional, well-informed, artistically and technically competent personality, ready for cooperation, teamwork and individual work on solving concrete tasks in costume design.

Prestigious Adobe certificates

To find a good job at the very beginning of your career and have the possibility of choosing projects that you enjoy, you need to know how to use Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and others. You also need to prove your knowledge with prestigious certificates.

The IT skills you acquire at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts prepare you for the exams for Adobe certification and give you a head start among the candidates when it comes to job applications.

Adobe certification
  • ACP Visual design using Photoshop;
  • ACP Graphic design & illustration using Adobe Illustrator;
  • ACP Print & digital media publication using Adobe InDesign;
  • ACP Web authoring using Adobe Dreamweaver;
  • ACP Digital video using Adobe Premiere Pro;
  • ACP Visual effects & motion graphics using Adobe After Effects;
  • ACP Multiplatform animation using Adobe Animate CC.

What competencies do you acquire through these studies?

  • You become competent for doing design projects;
  • Individual or team work on generating own ideas;
  • Realization of ideas in the form of creative solutions, innovations, adaptations;
  • Establishing contact among different professions and using them in the service of own profession;
  • Familiarity with technology, textile and materials used in the realization of ideas;
  • Tailoring and sewing skills;
  • Make-up techniques;
  • Following global trends and market innovations;
  • Using advanced computer software and adjusting to new media of communication.


This is a great success for one national faculty, and obtaining partner status is also an indicator of the recognition and reputation that our faculty has in the international academic community among European faculties of this kind. Thus, FCA officially became part of the academic community of the most prestigious European faculties of design.

Faculties that are current members of GIDE are the following: Politecnico di Milano, the most prestigious faculty of design in Europe; Thomas More (Mechelen/Antwerp), the largest interior design faculty in Belgium; Universidade da Madeira (Portugal); University of Dundee (Scotland); Faculty of Design (Ljubljana); University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (Lugano); Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain); Faculty of Contemporary Arts (Belgrade).

What next?

Through completing the design studies at the Fashion Design department you become a versatile and modern artist who can start working right away.

However, if you would like to continue your education and deepen your knowledge in this area, you can start the master studies of design, and later, the doctoral studies, too.

During your studies, you have already acquired practical experience through work on various projects, or had a chance to cooperate with professionals in the field through our cooperation with theaters. These are all great references for the creation of your portfolio, which will give you an advantage when it comes to job openings.