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Experts focused on you:
Teachers who are always there for you

Mentors and other teachers are crucial for educating new generations of artists. Not only do they transmit their knowledge, they also have an essential impact, shaping and guiding of future professionals, artists and other people working in the field of culture.

Ideals, thinking patterns, experience and vision – those are the things that connect all generations of artists, and that also applies to teachers and their students.

Teachers are the role-models whom their students look up to. In addition of being exceptionally recognized and acclaimed, our teachers are extraordinary educators that always set out to meet every student’s needs. They are devoted to teaching new generations of artists and are committed to the task of developing their talents.

What it takes to be a teacher at FCA?

For the quality of classes and the quality of communication between teachers and students to meed the highest possible standards, Faculty of Contemporary Arts has highest criteria for selecting and hiring its teachers.

These are some of the features that teachers at FCA possess:

  • Respectable artistic career
  • Extensive professional experience
  • Available to students
  • Exceptional skills in interactive sharing of knowledge
  • Experienced educator
  • Open to ideas coming from students
  • Enthusiastic and loves teaching
  • Supports students and builds their self-esteem
  • Knows their ways in modern artistic scene
  • Able to recognize hidden talents in a person
  • Motivated and eager to work with students

``I love teaching as much as I love creating``

Teachers who love their job are good teachers. In addition to sharing their knowledge and experience, they also enjoy in the creative process that they share with their students. Their desire to share their knowledge is the thing that drives them, which is why dedication constitutes one of the key characteristics of a good teacher.

Teachers’ success is measured by the success of their students, which is why they are giving their best in order to prepare the students at FCA to illustrious careers of future artists.

Enthusiasm and interactive classes

At Faculty of Contemporary Arts, classes are interactive, which means that students participate in each class, contribute with their ideas, freely express their opinions and communicate with the teacher and other students.

Teachers play an important role in this interaction. They moderate conversations, encourage the development of students’ potentials, and helps them to discover all their talents.

During interactive classes and in conversations, teachers and students exchange ideas, develop concepts and inspire each others. Such atmosphere is full of precious enthusiasm, which is the reason why our students and their mentors remain in close collaboration and contact even after the end of their studies.

Individual approach to every student

Teachers apply individual approach and always take into account the fact that every young artist is different. Teachers are at students’ disposal and ready to answer all their questions, both during the lectures and in consultations, online and offline.

A teacher that believes in you is the one that will lead you into the right path, and in addition to giving you the knowledge, he or she will build your self-esteem, nurture your talents and respect your choices. A relationship like this, between a mentor and a student, is decisive for your artistic career.