Drama students perform “Powder Keg” at Yugoslav Drama Theater

/ / News / 28. 06. 2019.

FCA’s second-year drama students took their final exam in style by performing the play “Powder Keg” at the Yugoslav Drama Theater on Wednesday, June 25, starting at 7 PM.


The packed room at the Yugoslav Drama Theater gave the young actors an ovation for their excellent acting skills.

Making an old play come alive as directed by excellent young actors and their mentors

FCA’s second-year drama students, under the careful guidance of their mentor and his assistant Dubravka Kovjanić, adapted Dejan Dukovski’s text in accordance with the current times.

“Powder Keg” is a story about the conflict between pre-war and post-war generation. A singular epiphany, a play founded upon the unexpected, ceaselessly belies the finiteness within itself, toying with what goes without saying. This tour-de-force performance presents a generation whose skills and know-how are upgraded by a sense of style, life, the facts of life and their reflection in the mirror that is theater fiction, and above all – a feel for the game of reality.

Take a look at the students’ performance in “Powder Keg”: