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Annual exhibition of FCA students at FCA gallery

/ / News / 23. 07. 2020.

The Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade ceremoniously opened its annual student exhibition on June 30, beginning at 6 PM. The exhibition displayed the works of students from the Department of Visual Arts from all levels of study – from bachelor’s, master’s to doctoral students.

The entire building of the Faculty was converted into a large multimedia gallery. The curator of the Department of Visual Arts’ exhibition was Biljana Velinović, Professor of Multimedia. Her election as the curator implied that the works of all students would be displayed as an interdependent whole, with emphasis on its multimedia nature. The exhibition was opened by professors Irina Tomić, Dragan Ćalović, and Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Đorđe Mandrapa.

Exhibited works a combination of tradition and modern technology
Various media have presented FCA as an educational institution deeply rooted in the present moment through the use of modern technologies, but also as an institution that carefully nurtures all traditional techniques that have marked art history.

The blue line leading to all exhibition spaces will take a visitor on a journey by enabling them to experience the thoughts and growing up of a generation of students. One can see experiments, new technologies, but also a comprehensive knowledge and familiarity with the history of art without which there can be no new visual creativity.

Crisis caused by the global pandemic has disturbed neither students nor professors

Despite the huge impact caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, the exhibition showed that the timely and adequate response of the Faculty to the new situation has prevented any major consequences on the quality and number of works displayed. All practical classes were held immediately upon the termination of the state of emergency. The intensity of student work in cooperation with their professors has been very high during the pandemic and this exhibition is the best proof of that.

The first solo exhibition at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts’ gallery opened as part of the large student exhibition. Melisa Vreto presented her doctoral art project. Shortly after opening a new exhibition space on July 7, the Gallery organized the defense of her doctoral art project.

Exhibition open until September 2020 with all protective measures in force

The Faculty of Contemporary Arts uses its annual exhibition of student works to conduct a comprehensive analysis of their past work. In addition, as its name says, it creates a system of contemporary education always making steps forward in educational development. The fact is that in visual arts, everything is out in the open and the results cannot be relativized, which is why this exhibition speaks volumes about the quality of FCA.

The exhibition will be open until September 2020. Visiting the exhibition requires compliance with all protective and preventive measures specified by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in protection of the population against COVID-19.

You can see some of the displayed works from the Annual Student Exhibition here: