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Apply for the competition for creative high school students! This year’s topic is MIRROR

/ / Uncategorized / 12. 04. 2022.

The Faculty of Contemporary Arts is pleased to announce another competition for the most talented high school students. The topic for the 2020 contest is ‘Mirror’ and you can find all the information regarding the rules and the registration procedure HERE.

The competition comprises six categories:

DRAWING (standard drawing (any technique), illustration, digital drawing);
PAINTING (standard painting (any technique), collage, mosaic, street art);
DESIGN (graphic design, fashion design, object design, architecture, illustration, digital drawing);
PHOTOGRAPHY (digital photography, photo collage, photomontage);
MULTIMEDIA (videos, clips, gifs, performances, installations, interactive/conceptual/digital art, land art, body art, kinetic art);
CREATIVE WRITING (poetry; prose – short story, essay, contemporary fairy tale, cross-genres – up to five pages).

All high school students from Serbia are eligible for the competition. One student is allowed to submit no more than three entries in the same or different categories.

Explanation of the topic:

The mirror is an object which fulfills our everyday lives: it’s hard to imagine a bag without a mirror, shop windows without mirrors which create an illusion of elegance and depth, mornings and evenings in which we are not looking at our own reflections. The symbolism of the mirror comes from its function: reflection and duplication. It doubles figures, but it also contains and absorbs them. We see ourselves not only in glossy and smooth surfaces, glass and water, but in anything that reflects us, our habits and thoughts. We see ourselves in our choices, acts and creations.

We would like to invite all the young creative people who enjoy drawing, painting, design, photography, film and writing to apply for FCA’s competition. Let’s look at ourselves together in the mirror of our reality and/or fiction!

Where can you find inspiration?

Optical instrument / reflecting surface
Distorted image / convex and concave mirror
Lake / calm sea / pond / rain / rain drop / dew
Mirror image / truth / lie / original / copy / image
Women’s mirror / makeup / show / presentation
Mirror / portrait / self-portrait / selfie / group portrait / friends
Modern art / mirror of our times

Apply and participate!

All you have to do is be original, unique and creative.

The deadline is April 24, 2020

All those who wish to participate are to register by March 31. Send your works no later than April 24, 2020 at: konkurszakreativce@fsu.edu.rs.

Each participant is allowed to submit no more than three entries. Each entry should be signed on the back as follows: name and surname, name and surname of the mentor (if there is one), name and class of the school, telephone number, telephone number of the mentor, email address.

Please save the photos and digital works as follows: resolution – 300 dpi, format – JPG, longer side – 15 cm.

The entries should be named as follows: name surname – name of the school – title – category (e.g. PETAR PETROVIĆ – DESIGN SCHOOL – SUMMER – PHOTOGRAPHY). Please print out the digital works in A4 format and send the videos via WeTransfer.
The jury will select the shortlisted candidates by May 20, 2020. Download the application form HERE.

The prize is a grand exhibition at the Gallery of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts

We have great prizes for the best candidates:

1. one-year grant at FCA for the winner of the competition;
2. tablet and pen for the winners of individual categories;
3. free Photoshop course for the top three contestants in all categories.

The prize for all our creative students is a grand exhibition of all the works scheduled for May 28, 2020 at FCA’s Gallery. The award ceremony will take place on the same day.

Apply for the competition for creative high school students – let everyone see the artist in you!