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Show your talent, create a thrilling illusion!

/ / Competitions / 7. 04. 2021.

You like illusions, the encounter between the real and the unreal, crossing the frontier of the realistic and the possible? Faculty of Contemporary Arts has teamed up with the Museum of Illusions for an exclusive competition in optical illusions, open only for FCA students

Submissions are accepted through April 9; all students who find this extraordinary challenge inspiring are welcome. The three best works will be made public at the Museum of Illusions itself.

This is an opportunity for your vision to shine through public promotion. The winning illusion will be presented to the general public and promoted as an art piece at this unique place in Belgrade, which never fails to thrill its visitors. Your original work can end up on the Museum’s posters and T-shirts!

Learn more about the competition at THIS PAGE.

Competition rules

This is an open call for all FCA students, regardless of their department.
It ends on April 9, 2021.
A panel of experts will choose up to three works for awards.

The submissions are accepted in the following formats:

  • B2 poster (500 x 700 mm);
  • small poster – A5;
  • free format – depending on the design: A5 or higher.

All works selected by the expert panel will be presented at an exhibition at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts, and there will be a public awards ceremony.

The panel comprises relevant experts chosen by the Faculty of Contemporary Arts and the Museum of Illusions.

How to submit your work?

Please send your original works for pre-selection and panel consideration in electronic form, using a file transfer service (such as WeTransfer), to studentska.sluzba@fsu.edu.rs, with MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS, SUBMISSION as the subject of the email.

Submissions are accepted until April 9, 2021, not later than midnight. All works submitted after this deadline, as well as any submissions that are not clearly marked, will be automatically disqualified.

We wish you good luck in this fun and exciting competition. Make illusions happen!