Curriculum for the Master’s Program in Management in Creative Industries

Explore the curriculum for the Management in Creative Industries program at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts (FSU), designed to prepare you for a successful career in the creative industries.

The Master’s program in Management in Creative Industries at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade offers students a unique opportunity to prepare for leadership positions in one of today’s most dynamic and rapidly growing sectors. This program is meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive education that integrates key aspects of management and the creative industries, addressing contemporary trends and market needs.

Redni brojŠifraNaziv predmetaSemestarBroj časovaESPB
1.17.VUBMSkills for Success146
2.17.APMBMAgile Project Management146
4.17.MMBMMarketing Management146
5.17.I1BMElective Block 1:
- Business Models and Creative Industries
- Digital Marketing
6.17.VIPBMArtificial Intelligence in Business234
7.17.MEPBMBusiness Information Systems Analysis244
8.17.I2BMElective Block 2:
- Leadership in Creative Industries
- Operational Management in Creative Industries
9.17.SPBMProfessional Internship263
10.17.I3BMElective Block 3:
- Value Creation – Processes, Products, and People
- Finance in Creative Industries
11.17.PZRBMFinal Paper Course222
12.17.ZRBMFinal Paper – Writing and Defense226
Ukupno časova aktivne nastave40
Ukupno ESPB60