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Hire top creatives for your art projects

If you need contemporary artists who create equally successfully in digital and analog and who are versatile and know how to perform a wide range of creative activities, Faculty of Contemporary Arts graduates are the right choice for you.

While their studies are still underway, our students already work on real projects, use cutting-edge technology and train to become multimedia artists able to meet any challenge the contemporary world can throw at them. Once they have finished their studies, they are ready to work on all sorts of projects, to be a part of the creative industry, thanks to the practical training that permeates the teaching in all study years. The portfolios they take with them when they leave the faculty serve as a guarantee of their expertise and training.

Experts with relevant creative industry diplomas ready to meet all your professional requirements

Let your projects benefit from the versatility of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts graduates. You can hire our students in the following areas:

Slobodni umetnikUmetnik dizajner
Profesor likovnih umetnostiSlikanje za sve vrste štampe
Glumac u pozorištuGlumac na televiziji
Glumac u pozorištu za decuGlumac na radiju
Glumac na filmuSinhronizacija crtanih filmova
Grafički dizajnerDizajner knjiga
Dizajner marketinških kampanjaDizajner umetničkih projekata
Dizajner video igricaAnimator i Ilustrator
Dizajner enterijeraDizajner osvetljenja
Dizajner nameštajaDizajner poslovnih prostora
Modni dizajnerDizajner scenskih kostima
Dizajner nakitaDizajner aksesoara
Producent scenskih i medijskih delatnostiRukovodilac dramskih, medijskih umetničkih sadržaja
Producent muzičkih događaja, festivalaSavetnik za medije
Kreator i rukovodilac različitih kampanjaNosilac i rukovodilac sistema kulturnih institucija
Dramski i medijski kritičar i analitičar
Dizajner zvukaSnimatelj zvuka
Producent muzičkog događajaMuzički urednik
Muzički producentMenadžer u muzičkoj industriji
Izvođenje i plasman sopstvene muzikeMuzički saradnik
Komunikolog-kreator sadržaja u medijskim sistemimaUrednik u medijskim sistemima
Web urednikPR korporacija i medija
Marketing stručnjakNovinar
TV prezenterKopirajter
Kreativni direktor sopstvenog brendaCEO
MenadžerDirektor marketinških i konsalting agencija
Brend menadžerMarketing savetnik
Event menadžer

Cooperation that secures success

To help you realize your plans, Faculty of Contemporary Arts will connect you with the most qualified and capable talent ready to meet the needs of your team.

All you need to do is describe the kind of candidate you are looking for and Center for Career Development will shortly provide you with a list of the graduates who meet all your criteria.

Join the successful companies whose art projects are already benefiting from our graduates’ imput

Many domestic and international companies have already employed FCA graduates. Join them.

They have had solo exhibitions in galleries, as well created in the virtual world using state-of-the-art technology – HTC Vive VR devices. They can work in the media, in theater, film, organization of big events; in marketing, music industry; they can create video games. The range of their abilities reaches far and wide. All you need to do is choose what your company needs.

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