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Achieve the highest academic level of education

Doctoral studies are the crowning achievement in your education. The topics you cover will be your top specialty, and your work a unique source for future generations. Your reputation among in the professional circles will depend on the faculty where you have earned your PhD; this is why Faculty of Contemporary Arts is the best choice for your doctoral studies.

The goal of design, visual and dramatic arts doctoral study programs at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts is providing top-level education for the students. The program’s content ensures that top qualifications in the field are acquired.

Choose doctoral studies of design, dramatic or visual arts

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts take three academic years and carry 180 ECTS points.

Programi doktorskih studija
Visual arts180 ESPB5 students
Dramatic arts180 ESPB3 students
Design180 ESPB3 students

Every student chooses a mentor with whom they will cooperate and who will help them overcome any obstacles in research and theoretical endeavors.

What do you need in order to pursue a PhD at Faculty of Contemporary Arts?

You can enroll into the first year of doctoral studies if you have completed the second degree of higher education in visual and dramatic arts with the average grade of at least 8.00.

You can enroll into the second year of doctoral studies if you completed specialist studies before the implementation of the Law on Higher Education.

You can enroll into the third year of doctoral studies if you completed magister studies according to the regulations in power before the implementation of the Law of Higher Education.

Candidates are ranked based on the submitted application and the list formed based on the candidates’ average grade from the earlier studies.

Application deadline is October 16, and the list will be published not later than October 19. Enrollment takes place October 20 through 31.

Lower prices for early registration

The most determined ones, those whose apply during early registration, will be rewarded with a special discount on the fee for every year of the doctoral studies after the entrance exam.

DepartmentPrice for August 31Full priceIn 12 installments
Dramatic arts - Acting3.2004.224266,67
Visual arts - Painting3.2004.224266,67

* The fee is paid in dinars, according to National Bank of Serbia’s selling rate at the day of payment.

The fees for students from the earlier generations are determined based on the price list valid in the year when the student enrolled into the first year.

Publicly available published doctoral dissertations

By following this link you can access all doctoral dissertations from FSU that have been made publicly available.