An artist requires full freedom in order to realize his or her vision in the best possible way. To ensure that freedom, Faculty of Contemporary Arts provides all the means for the realization of ideas. As you pursue a PhD at the Faculty, you have a wealth of possibilities at your disposal when it comes to realizing your dreams and being successful.

Why should you pursue a PhD at Faculty of Contemporary Arts?

Faculty of Contemporary Arts has formed a unique blend of art and technology as the most contemporary education for visual artists. In the 21st century, using modern technology in art constitutes the beginning of a new era of artistic creation.

Every artist needs IT knowledge in order to be contemporary and influential, and to be able to push the boundaries of art and human thought. This is why doctoral studies at FSU give you an opportunity to Acquire and advance multidisciplinary knowledge, as well as create and present projects in the area of your choosing using cutting-edge IT equipment.

Your interests and your work will become advanced, regardless of whether your work has been in painting, sculpting, photography, graphics, illustration, performance, body art, street art or some other form of artistic expression.

Reach the highest level of academic prestige through Faculty of Contemporary Art’s program, because the choice of faculty where you build your reputation and advance your specialty is quite important.

Upon the successful presentation and defense of the doctoral art project, you are endowed with a PhD in Arts (dr um).

Saša Filipović
drawing and painting
Ružica Bajić Sinkević
Ružica Bajić Sinkević
drawing and painting
Đorđe Stanojević
  • Doctoral diploma and 180 ECTS points.
  • In-demand courses that will familiarize you with cutting-edge technology.
  • Studio and all equipment needed for studying and work.
  • Possibility of working at prestigious educational institutions.
  • All knowledge necessary for work in the most contemporary digital drawing and multimedia software.
  • Online learning.
  • Exhibiting works at group and individual shows.
  • Opportunities for work with preeminent experts in art and education.
  • Attending courses and taking exams in English.
  • Mentor and individual approach to teaching.
  • Free consultations.

What do you need in order to enroll at doctoral studies of visual arts?

Doctoral studies in Visual Arts are available to all students with an average grade of 8.5 at the graduate studies. Students with lower average grade take a differential exam.

unique program leading to successful career

Doctoral studies of visual arts take three academic years (six semesters) encompassing at least 180 ECT points.

The educational program for the PhD is designed as a research project through which you acquire new theoretical knowledge, apply it in practical theoretical work and thereby advance new and old skills.

This program constitutes an excellent opportunity to acquire, in addition to knowledge in art and art theory, also acquire skills from the IT realm, such as work in Adobe and Autodesk software.

Doctoral art project brings together knowledge and skills acquired through all levels of studies, especially those you acquire acquired through the first three semesters of doctoral studies, as well as the experience of individual art practice.

Your written work will constitute a contribution to the body of literature in the area of your final art project, available for future reference to students and professionals alike.

Special benefits for students from abroad

Due to their unique progra, each year, doctoral studies in visual arts attract increasing numbers from abroad, especially from the region.

This is why the faculty has created a special package of benefits for the students who come to Belgrade exclusively in order to require top knowledge in visual arts and digital media at Faculty of Contemporary Arts.

For more information on the benefits, call Faculty of Contemporary Arts’ education advisor at +381 (0)11 4011 216 or email him at : and he will inform you about all the available options.

Preuzmite besplatan informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti


Unesite svoju imejl-adresu i preuzmite informator Fakulteta savremenih umetnosti, u kome ćete saznati:

  • detaljan plan i program za sve smerove i profile;
  • uslove školovanja;
  • šta sve dobijate u paketu školovanja na FSU;
  • utiske studenata – vaših budućih kolega;
  • ko će biti vaši predavači;
  • dodatne pogodnosti koje ostvarujete studiranjem na FSU.

Preuzmite besplatno informator i saznajte šta sve dobijate studiranjem na Fakultetu savremenih umetnosti.