Aleksandar Kušić

assistant professor

Narrow scientific/artistic field:
Interior design

Contemporary Architecture and Design, Fundamentals of Design

Aleksandar graduated from University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Architecture, where he later acquired a master’s degree, followed by a doctorate, as the first student of his generation. At the Academy of Fine Arts and Multimedia, he teaches as an assistant professor at the Interior Design module.

  • Kušić, Aleksandar, and Nataša Janković. “Cerak Vinogradi: Spatial Framing, User interventions and the Socialist ‘Big Other’.” Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering (forthcoming). ISSN: 0354-4605.
  • Kušić, Aleksandar. “New Belgrade Block No. 22: Order and Freedom.” In Team 10 East: Revisionist Architecture in Real-Existing Modernism, edited by Łukasz Stanek, 199-202. Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2014. ISBN: 978-83- 64177-03- 3.
  • Kušić, Aleksandar. “Encountering the Real: Belgrade Architecture as Cognitive Mapping.” In AUR Architecture Utopia Realism, edited by Petar Bojanić, Ljiljana Blagojević and Vladan Djokić, 32-33. Belgrade: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, 2013. ISBN: 978-86-7924-110-8.
  • Kušić, Aleksandar, and Ljiljana Blagojević. “Patterns of Everyday Spatiality: Belgrade in the 1980s and its Post-Socialist Outcome.” Český lid 100, no. 3 (2013): 281-302. ISSN: 0009-0794.
  • Kušić, Aleksandar. “Desire and Duplicity: Lessons of the Past.” In International Conference Architecture and Ideology Proceedings, edited by Vladimir Mako, Mirjana Roter Blagojević and Marta Vukotić Lazar, 708-13. Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, 2012. ISBN: 978-86-7924-083-5.
  • Stand exPLode; Nataša Janković, Aleksandar Kušić and Mladen Pešić. Croatian Designers Association’s D-Day, Zagreb, 2010
  • Pavilion Twister; Nataša Janković, Aleksandar Kušić and Mladen Pešić. Second round of Supernatural Eco Pavilion competition, Belgrade, 2010. Jury commendation.
  • Installation in Motionwall public space; Nataša Janković, Aleksandar Kušić and Mladen Pešić. Second round of “Wall?”, Novi Sad, 2009
  • City Park design; Nataša Janković and Aleksandar Kušić. Competition for the solution for the City Park from Hotel Yugoslavia to Branko’s Bridge in New Belgrade, Belgrade, 2008. Reduced first prize.
  • Sava Square, Belgrade preliminary design; Tijana Lapčević, Aleksandar Kušić and Zoran Lazović. Competition for the preliminary visual and architectural-urbanistic design of Belgrade’s Sava Square with a memorial honoring the victims of war and the defenders of the country 1990–1999 godine, Belgrade, 2006. Third prize.

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