Narrow scientific/artistic field:
Born on January 7, 1987, in Belgrade. After she won a scholarship for studying at higher education institutions of the Russian Federation, she started her psychology studies at the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, specializing in developmental psychology. She obtained an honors degree and obtained the title of Master of Psychology. Based on the achieved success, she got a scholarship for PhD studies, which she successfully completed at the same university, specializing in social psychology. In the meantime, she got the right to participate in an international student exchange within the Erasmus+ program, and she chose to spend time at the Faculty of Business and Information Management at the University College Ghent in Belgium.
She gained her first work experience as a teaching assistant at the Moscow Social and Pedagogical Institute in Russia. After returning to Serbia, she started working at the College of Social Work in Belgrade, as an assistant professor for the narrow scientific field of psychology. She is also employed at the University of Donja Gorica in Podgorica.
Actively participates in international and national scientific conferences.
She participated in the International Research Project dedicated to the development of the global community, under the leadership of prof. Dr Joseph de Rivera from the Department of Psychology at Clark University in the USA.
She was a guest lecturer at the scientific seminar “Kultura ima značaj”, held in Moscow, organized by the International Scientific and Educational Laboratory for Sociocultural Research of the National Research University “High School of Economics” in Russia.
She is a regular member of the Scientific Ethnopsychological Seminar organized by the National Research University “High School of Economics”, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University and Lyceum No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernand.
This year, at the invitation of professor emeritus John Berry from the Department of Psychology at Queen’s University in Canada, she will present her work as part of the Symposium “Intercultural Relations in Post-Communist Societies”, at the 32nd International Congress of Psychologists in Prague, Czech Republic.
For more than 10 years, she has been actively engaged in translation: translation and interpretation, including simultaneous translation. She speaks Russian, English, and Spanish, and she is studying Turkish and Portuguese. As a translator, she participated in numerous international fairs, bilateral meetings of business and political delegations, business forums, trials in criminal proceedings, sports and tourism events, and other events. She likes acting, dancing, singing and art.
- Strategijski i operativni menadžment / Slobodan Živkovic, Ana Živković, Jelena Živković. Vrnjačka Banja: SaTCIP, 2015. 288 s. ISBN 987-86-6075-053-4
Chapters in thematic collections of international and national importance:
- Stepanović, S., & Živković, J. (2020) The role of parents in children’s early speech and language development. In: V. Dukanac, M. Đurić (eds.) Thematic collection of proceedings of the international importance – Latest developments in speech therapy, occupational therapy and social work: Between tradition and transition, 283–294. Belgrade: College of social work. ISBN 978-86-81394-14-4
- Петрович, Н., & Живкович, Е. (2019) Вызовы социальной психологии в эпоху глобализации [Izazovi socijalne psihologije u epohi globalizacije]. В: A.L. Журавлев, A.В. Юревич (Отв.ред.), Новые тенденции и перспективы психологической науки. Серия: Методология, история и теория психологии, c. 378–397. Москва: Институт психологии РАН. ISBN 978-5-9270-0393-8
- Živković, J. (2017) Давайте дружить: Teorija međugrupne interakcije V.S. Agejeva. U: N. Petrović (Ur.) Politička psihologija u savremenom svetu, 77–89. Institut za psihologiju, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-6427-049
Works in scientific journals of international and national importance:
- Stepanović, S., Živković, J. (2020) Working with pupils with hearing impairments in inclusive education: characteristics and competences. Human Research in Rehabilitation, 10 (1), 22–30.
- Живкович, Е. (2018) Эмпирическое исследование социально-психологических особенностей межэтнических установок в Сербии [Empirijsko istraživanje socijalno-psiholoških osobina međuetničkih stavova u Srbiji]. Интернет-журнал “Мир науки. Педагогика и психология”, (6)1.
- Живкович, Е. (2014) Особенности этнорелигиозной идентичности как фактор развития этнической дистанции в Сербии [Osobine etnoreligioznog identiteta kao faktor razvoja etničke distance u Srbiji]. Европейский журнал социальных наук, 1(4), 322–330.
- Живкович, Е. (2014) Психологические особенности межэтнических отношений в Сербии [Psihološke osobine međuetničkih odnosa u Srbiji]. Социальная психология и общество, 5(3), 104–116.
- Живкович, Е. (2012) Этническая дистанция в Сербии [Etnička distanca u Srbiji]. Преподаватель XXI век, 2(4), 382–388.
Press releases from conferences of international and national importance, printed in full/excerpt:
- Živković, A., Živković, J., & Tmušić, R. (2019) Teacher’s leadership skills conducting to an effective language learning. Proceedings of IX International conference “Economics and Management – Based on New Technologies” (EMONT–2019), 23–26th June 2019, Vrnjačka Banja, SaTCIP Publisher Ltd., pp. 262–266.
- Živković, J. (2019) The strategies of interethnic interaction in Serbia. Proceedings of the XXV scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology, March 29th–31st 2019; Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, pp. 136–138.
- Živković, J. (2019) Ethnic distance as a type of ethnic attitudes in Serbia. Book of abstracts of the XXV Scientific conference Empirical studies in psychology; March 29th–31st 2019; Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, p. 116.
- Živković, J., & Živković, S. (2018) Leadership as a social-psychological phenomenon: the problem of leadership and management in Russian psychology. Conference Proceedings of 4th International Scientific-Business Conference – Leadership and Management: Integrated Policies of Research and Innovations – LIMEN 2018, December 13th 2018, Belgrade, pp. 327–332
- Живкович, Е. (2012) Проблема мультикультурализмa в Сербии [Problem multikulturalizma u Srbiji]. В: A.С. Oбухов (Отв.ред.) Сборник докладов VII Межвузовской конференции молодых ученых по результатам исследований из области педагогики, психологии, социокультурной антропологии. Москва: ОООДТР “Исследователь”, c. 56–58.
- Живкович, Е., Цэнджав, T. (2008) Особенности ассоциативного лексикона языковой личности старших подростков в России и Сербии [Osobine asocijativnog leksikona jezičke ličnosti omladine u Rusiji i Srbiji]. В: A.С. Oбухов (Отв.ред.) Сборник докладов III Межвузовской конференции молодых ученых по результатам исследований из области педагогики, психологии, социокультурной антропологии, Москва: Издательский отдел Центра развития исследовательской деятельности учащихся “REDU”, c. 66–70.
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