mail adresa: ljiljana.manic@fsu.edu.rs
Narrow scientific/artistic field
Culture and Media
Cultural Policy and Cultural Heritage
Ljiljana Manić graduated from the Faculty of Economics. She completed her master’s studies at the Faculty of Business Studies in 2008, and defended her doctoral dissertation in 2010 at the Faculty of Culture and Media, earning the title of Doctor of Cultural Sciences. She was appointed as an assistant professor in 2011 and was promoted to associate professor in 2016. She has published over 40 scientific papers in the fields of cultural policy, cultural marketing, and public relations. In 2017, she participated in the “InGrid 2” project, funded by the European Union under the “Horizon 2020” program for science and technological development, working on the project “Sociodemografske karakteristike i uslovi života starijih žena u ruralnim oblastima Evrope” at the Center for Demographic Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She participated in the “EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum” project in Brussels. Since 2018, she has been the secretary of the Gerontological Society of Serbia and a member of the Commission for Scientific Research. From 2019 to 2021, she served as the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Gerontologija” (M52). She was the leader of the successfully implemented project “Istraživanje o uticaju medijskog izveštavanja na percepciju i stavove javnosti o starijim osobama u Srbiji” and the coordinator of the project “Javnost, stari i mediji“, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information. In 2018, she received the “Golden badge” from the Cultural and Educational Community, awarded for special contributions to culture. She is a reviewer for the research “Kultura pristupačnosti: istraživanje pristupačnosti muzeja i galerija u Republici Srbiji” (2021–2022) conducted by the Institute for the Study of Cultural Development. She is a consultant on the UNDP program “Digital Literacy for Elders“.
- Manić, Lj., Milivojević, T., Mikić, A. (2023). “Kulturna participacija starijih Beograđana”, Časopis Kultura, broj 180/2023, ISSN 0023-5164, Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, DOI 10.5937/kultura2380143M UDK 159.922.26-053.9(497.111) 316.75(497.111).
- Milivojević, T., Manić, Lj., Tankosić, M. (2023). “Emotional Well-Being Among Professionals In Creative Industries”, LIMES plus: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2-3/2023, HERAedu, Beograd, ISSN 1820-0869, pp. 155–174, UDK: 159.913:316.7 338.46:008.
- Manić, Lj., Ercegovac, I., Tankosić, M. (2022). “Non-standard Forms of Employment in Creative Industries”, LIMES plus: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2/2022, ISSN 1820-0869, pp. 45–68, UDK: 338.46:008]:331.5, HERAedu, Beograd.
- Manić, Lj., Milјković, J. (2022). “Bezbednost starijih na internetu”, Časopis Bezbednost, 3/2022, str. 120–139, DOI: 10.5937/bezbednost2203120M UDK: 004.738.5:004.056-053.88(497.11+4), Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, Beograd.
- Milivojević T., Manić Lj., Simeunović Bajić, N. (2021). “Double discrimination of elderly women in the media”, Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook, Volume 19, Issue Perpetuating Inequality: Media Discourses on “Race” and Gender, June 2021, pp. 117–132, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1386/nl_00026_1, ISSN: 1601-829X.
- Manić, Lj., Simeunović Bajić, N. (2016). “Javnost, stariji lјudi i mediji”, Gerontološko društvo Srbije, Beograd, ISBN 978-86-7747-550-5, CIP: 316.774-053.9(497.11), COBISS.SR-ID 228459532, 2016, 160 strana.
- Manić, Lj., Milivojević, T., Aleksić, M. (2014). “Društveni smisao nagrada u kulturi i njihovo ambivalentno dejstvo na stvaraoce”, Kultura, br. 145, 2014, Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, ISSN 0023-5164, DOI:10.5937/kultura1445077M, UDK 316.7:06.065 159.928:7.01, str. 77–93.
- Manić, Lj., Simeunović Bajić, N., Aleksić, M. (2012). “Studentska percepcija uloge kulture i kulturnog nasleđa u formiranju nacionalnog brenda”, Kultura, Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, br. 137, 2012, ISSN 0023-5164.
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