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Maja B. Vukadinović

assistant professor

Email address: majavukadinovic@gmail.com

Narrow scientific/artistic field:


Online Communication, Online Media – Writing, Media Institutions and Systems, Media Practices and Documentarism, Media Practices and Interviews, Applied Media, Content Creation, Audience Communication



She graduated in Film and Television Production from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in 1996. She earned a Master’s degree in Media from The New School in New York and holds a postgraduate certificate in Media Management from the same university. She completed her PhD at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in 2013.

In 2007, she was an assistant for the subject Basics of Media Theory at The New School in New York, and in 2008, she taught a semester as a Teaching Fellow for the course “Ethnicity on American Television”. Since 2013, she has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts. From 2015 to 2022, she taught at the graduate level at the Faculty of Applied Arts. She is currently engaged in the Applied Media and Content Creation module at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts.

She has published two monographs:

  • Journalism and Film (with Sanja Domazet), Službeni glasnik, 2024.
  • Supermarket Culture Stars, Clio, 2013.

Her papers include:

  • Miletić Lidija, Vukadinović Maja, Plojović Šemsudin, The influence of nonverbal communication in the media performance of public figures, Ekonomski izazovi, 2023, vol. 12, iss. 23, pp. 82-89.
  • Sanja Domazet and Maja Vukadinović, Road to Europe: discourse analysis of European integration in the Serbian media, Conference Proceedings “EU Enlargement, Geopolitics, and the Russia-Ukraine War,” Faculty of Political Sciences, 2023.
  • Sanja Domazet and Maja Vukadinović, Social reality in the political columns of Bogdan Tirnanić, Conference Proceedings “Science and Reality,” Faculty of Philosophy in Pale, 2023.
  • Sanja Domazet and Maja Vukadinović, The concept of militainment: war as media spectacle, Politički život: Journal for Political Analysis, 2023, No. 24, pp. 53-60.
  • Sanja Domazet, Stefan Surlić, and Maja Vukadinović, Personalization of politics in the Russia-Ukraine war: polarized narratives in the media, Yearbook of the Faculty of Political Sciences, 2023, Vol. 17, No. 29, pp. 85-101.
  • Vukadinović Maja, Application of artificial intelligence in digital communications, Journal of Social Issues Aktuelnosti, No. 43, April 2023.
  • Vukadinović Maja, The appeal of consumer nostalgia and representation of the past in the series Mad Men, Faculty of Dramatic Arts Proceedings, No. 34, December 2018.
  • Vukadinović Maja (editor), Proceedings Media in the Digital Age, 2016.

She has received the Golden Badge from the Cultural and Educational Community of Serbia.

Maja Vukadinović is a media expert specializing in the analysis of cultural and communication phenomena in the media. She combines her journalistic and communication experience with cultural knowledge in various professional activities. She is a contributor to the Culture section of the daily newspaper Politika. Her study Supermarket Culture Stars (Clio, 2013) on the phenomenon of media stars and celebrity culture received significant media attention and was shortlisted for the “Desimir Tošić” award.

She is a guest lecturer, participant, and moderator at forums and a collaborator with cultural institutions, associations, and faculties (SKC Niš, Niš Cultural Center, UK Božidarac, Faculty of Political Sciences, Dom kulture Studentski grad, Faculty of Economics, Association “Biblioteka plus,” etc.). As a media consultant, she has participated in domestic and international projects (OSCE, USAID, UN, SIDA, Austrian Development Agency, etc.). As a communications specialist, she worked on projects for the Serbian Film Association and Group 484. She has extensive experience in conducting media and communication training (Crater Studio for Visual Effects, Serbian Post, REC, Balkan Media Team, etc.). Since 2013, she has been editing the Multimeda series at the publishing house Clio.

Before her academic career, she worked in marketing and public relations agencies (Ogilvy, Hauska & Partner) and spent thirteen years professionally involved in cultural journalism for print media (Politika, Danas, Glas javnosti, Vreme, Elle, etc.).