Marija Tavčar


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Costume Design, Art and Media Theory

Stage Costume

Marija Tavčar graduated in Stage Costume and Contemporary Clothing from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 2007. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Theory of Interactive Costume: Body–Technology–Costume” in 2017 at the Interdisciplinary Studies Department at the University of Arts in Belgrade, specializing in Art and Media Theory.


  • Costume design for Katarina Ranković’s performance, “Adaptation,” Venice Performance Art Week, Venice, Italy, 2023.
  • Costume design for Aleksander Zain’s performance, “Acta Distantiae 2.18”, IMPORT/EXPORT performance, Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno, Italy, 2023.
  • Costume design for the play “Elektra ili pad maski”, directed by Nevena Mijatović, National Theatre in Belgrade, 2022.
  • Design and production of puppets and masks for the play “„Vlast”, directed by Milan Nešković, National Theatre in Belgrade, 2021.
  • Costume design for Katarina Ranković’s performance “„Amplituda”, National Museum in Belgrade, Bitef Theatre, KCSG, FALAFEL – Jewish and Israeli LGBT+ Film Festival, 2021.
  • Visual refinement of costumes and costume equipment for the film and TV series “Nečista krv”, directed by Milutin Petrović, produced by This and That Productions, Belgrade, 2020.
  • 18 fashion articles aired on Saturdays on the programs “Modovanje” and “Dobro jutro, deco” on Radio Belgrade, February and March 2020 and 2021.
  • Design and production of costumes for puppets and set design for the stop-motion animation “Handmade”, directed by Mina Cvetinović Pavkov, NFC Cinema Club Novi Sad, festivals: Florida Animation Festival (first place), CRAFT International Animation Festival, Cartoon Club, Festival of Female Filmmakers, TIAF Tbilisi International Animation Festival, Calandiranlar, Banja Luka International Animated Film Festival, Stop Trick Festival, Animation Studio Festival (first place), First International Festival of Homemade Stop-Motion Film in Tehran (first place), 2020.
  • Costume design at RTS from 2018 to 2019. 
  • Projects:
  • TV drama “100 godina opere”
  • Play “Kod kneza na balu”
  • 100 years of the Great War
  • New Year’s program 2019
  • Show “Jutarnji vikend-program sa Nadom Gogić”
  • Show “Autoportret”
  • Show “Njutnova jabuka”
  • Show “Studio znanja”
  • Beovizija 2019
  • Show “Podzemne tajne”


  • Tavčar, M., Mitrović, B. (2022). “The Transdisciplinary Encounter of Narratology and Visual Art in MMORPGs”, pp. 103–114, in the journal: AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, No. 27, Belgrade: Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University.
  • Tavčar, M. (2021). “Performativno telo u virtuelnom kostimu”, pp. 89–104, in the proceedings: Radulović, K. (ed.), Proceedings of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts: Journal of the Institute for Theatre, Film, Radio, and Television, No. 39, Belgrade: Faculty of Dramatic Arts.
  • Tavčar, M. (2018). “Costume as Wearable Technology”, pp. 29–40, in the proceedings: Going Digital: Innovation in Art, Architecture, Science, and Technology in the Digital Era, STRAND, Belgrade: STRAND-Sustainable Urban Society Association.
  • Conferences and Books of Abstract:
  • Mitrović, B., Tavčar, M. (2022). “Playing with Ludonarrative Transpositions in Indie Games”, Siniša Bokan (ed.), 2nd International Conference of Video Game Studies – SVI2022: Video Games as a Challenge to Academia, 50 Years of Gaming Industry, Book of Abstracts, Novi Sad: Academy of Arts, pp. 31.
  • Mitrović, B., Tavčar, M. (2021). “New Media On Video Games: Case Study Western Balkans”, Ružica Radulović (ed.), Creativity and Innovations in Theatre, Media and Cultural Production: Visions and Values for the Future, Book of Abstracts, Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, pp. 100–101.
  • Tavčar, M. (2021). “Kostim i otelovljenje u video-igrama”, Siniša Bokan (ed.). Game Studies 2021, New Interdisciplinary Field, Book of Abstracts, Novi Sad, Academy of Arts, pp. 29–30.
  • Participation in the Design Future 2021 conference, Panel 2, From Serbia With Love, Serbia Fashion Week, Ministry of Culture and Information, Serbia, September 29, 2021.
  • Participation in the presentation “Igra za život 21/22”, Bitef Polyphony 2021, August 26, 2021.
  • Tavčar, M. (2019). “Avatar as a Costume,” in: New Horizons: Culture, Arts and Media in the Digital Environment, Book of Abstracts, Belgrade: Faculty of Dramatic Arts, p. 178.
  • Group exhibition “Life and Limbs” at the “Swiss Institute” gallery in New York, USA, 2019.
  • Group exhibition “Innovative Costume Of The XXI Century: The Next Generation” at the State Central Theatre Museum “A. A. Bakhrushin” and the Historical State Museum in Moscow, Russia, 2019.
  • Group exhibition “Von Menschenhand” at the “Haus zur Glocke” gallery in Steckborn, Switzerland, 2019.
  • Group exhibition at the National Theatre Museum before the 13th edition of the Night of Museums, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016.
  • Group exhibition “Young Costume Designers” at the National Theatre Museum in Belgrade, Serbia, 2016.
  • Group exhibition “Belgrade Design Week: 100% Future Serbia, Quadra, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013.
  • Group exhibition of the Š.U.N.D. Festival, Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013.
  • Group exhibition “Art Fusion”, Aero Club, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013.
  • Solo exhibition “Interaktivni kostim kao otvoreni tekst”, Supermarket Concept Store, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012.
  • Solo exhibition “Interaktivni kostim”, Art Center, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011.
  • “Performativno telo u virtuelnom kostimu”, article published in the Proceedings of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, No. 39, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, 2021
  • “Costume as Wearable Technology”, article published in the Proceedings of Going Digital: Innovation in Art, Architecture, Science and Technology in the Digital Era, STRAND, Belgrade, 2018.
  • “Nosiva tehnologija kao deo otelovljenja performativnog tela”, article published in the Proceedings of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, No. 29, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, 2016.
  • Conference “Novi horizonti kulture, umetnosti i medija u digitalnom okruženju”, 2019 organized by the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Conference “Going Digital 2018”, organized by STRAND – Sustainable Urban Society Association, Belgrade, Serbia in collaboration with the Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia.