Oleg Jeknić


Narrow scientific/artistic field
Media, Art projects and practice

Film History, Film Theory, Screenwriting, Film Art

Oleg Jeknić graduated in Film and Television Directing from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade in 1998.

He obtained his PhD in Art and Media Theory in 2009 from the University of Arts in Belgrade. He has directed documentary and short feature films, music videos, and TV commercials. He has taught film and media history and theory at the Academy of Arts, the Faculty of Dramatic and Film Arts, and the Faculty of Media and Communication. He is the author of the book “Teorija interfejsa“.

  • Jeknić, O. (2014). Teorija interfejsa, Belgrade: Faculty of Media and Communication.
  • Jeknić, O. (2014). Novi mediji ili novi interfejsi? O konceptu interfejsa u teoriji medija Leva Manoviča, in Kultura, Beograd, 145/2014, 188–197.
  • Jeknić, O. (2015). The Epistemological Aspect of Andre Nusselder’s Interface Theory, in M. Suvakovic (Ed.), European Theories in Former Yugoslavia, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 52–57.
  • Jeknić, O. (2016). Aesthetics and Machine Learning: The Representation of User Preferences in Movie Recommender Systems, in Z. Cvejic (Ed.), The Crisis in the Humanities: Transdisciplinary Solutions, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 154–160.
  • Jeknić, O. (2019). Tri početka srpskog igranog filma, u Istorija 20. veka, Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2/2019, 65–84.
  • Jeknić, O. (2020). Medium and Interface: The Conceptual Difference, u Nasleđe, Kragujevac: Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, XVII/46, 66–77.
  • “Uske staze”, short feature film, FDU and Radio Television of Serbia, Belgrade, 1995;
  • “Enlitement”, documentary film, TV BK Telekom, Belgrade, 1995;
  • “Besprizori”, short feature film, FDU, “Cyber films” and “Crony”, Belgrade, 1996;
  • “Bjesovi: Sve što vidim i sve što znam”, music video, “Metropolis Music”, Belgrade, 1997;
  • “Bjesovi: Kad mi stane dah”, music video, “Metropolis Music”, Belgrade, 1998;
  • “63. padobranska brigada”, documentary film, Vojno-filmski centar “Zastava film” and FRZ “Beograd”, Belgrade, 1996–1998.