Narrow scientific/artistic field:
Art production
Introduction to Contemporary Art Practices, Media Practices in Contemporary Art, Introduction to Scenic Design
Petar Stanojlović (born in Belgrade, on March 5, 1979) is a Serbian film and television director. Born in Belgrade by a Belgrade mother, with a father and a heritage from Valjevo. Earned a diploma in film directing; also studied world literature.
His professional career is most closely knit with RTS; from 1996 to 1999 as a hired cameraman, and since 1999, as a director. Permanently employed as main director since 2005. He directed dozens of concerts of classical, folk, rock and pop music, New Year shows, dancing competitions, festivals, special public event transmissions, various events, music and entertainment shows, and mostly acted shows. He is also the author of the concept of the Morning Program. In addition to this, he realized creative content on other, smaller televisions, mostly working as an advisor and creative consultant. He did TV ads, event direction; he has experience as a radio show host; he often wrote scripts for personal, professional and other purposes. In most of the projects where he is also an author, and many of his regular projects, he also works a s cameraman. He has been a participant at European TV festivals for years.
- As visiting teacher, taught at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Faculty of Security
From 2013. to 2014. worked as a visiting teacher at the Art Production and Media Management department of the Academy of Fine Arts and Multimedia of the Union University. - In 2014, became an assistant professor at the Academy of Fine Arts (today’s Faculty of Contemporary Arts)
- From 2015 to 2017, member of the Council of the Union University
- In 2016, became the Head of the Art Production and Media department and dean’s assistant for development and cooperation
- In 2018, became an associate professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts
- Since March 2017, head manager of Radio Belgrade’s Children’s Drama Group
Jury membership:
- Folklore Society Festival
- BAP, theater festival
- Festival of Festivals in Trebinje
- Štrih Fest
- Šantić’s Quill
- Nušić Prize
- Film script development competition
Membership in steering boards and councils:
- From May 2013 to January 2014, served as a member of Studio B’s Supervisory Board
- From 2014 to 2016, served as a member of the steering board of the New Belgrade Humanitarian Foundation
- City of Valjevo’s Culture Council
- “Živojin Mišić” foundation
- TV Hram
- Drama studio Bis
- Jazz festival
TV Series
- The Forgotten Minds of Serbia (2005)
- Come Closer 2009/2010.
- Letters 2013.
- TV movies
- Tanasije Mladenović (2002)
- Matija Bećković (2003)
- The Harassment (2008)
- Nobody Said No 2 (2009)
- Signs by the Roadside (2011)
- Windlass (2013)
- Neither Guilty nor Innocent (2017)
Own projects
- Throughout the World with Spiritual Song (a show about the First Belgrade’s Singing Society’s visit to Moscow) (2009)
- The People of Saint Spiridon (shows about Serbian church and culture in Trieste) (2009)
TV shows
- The Sound of Balkan (2002) (festival The Montreux Golden Rose)
- Shadow Play (2003)
- Spring (2003) (Golden Prague festival)
- Dancing without Borders (2003) (Prix Italy festival)
- Tango for Her (2004)
- Pavle Aksentijević (2004)
- Neverne Bebe (2004)
- Massimo Savić (2005)
- Neno Belan
- Darko Rundek
- Toto Cutugno
- Suzanne Vega
- Darkwood Dub
- Huun Huur Tu
- Orthodox Celts
- Rambo Amadeus
- Eyesburn
- Night Shift
- Kanda, Kodža i Nebojša
- Van Gogh
- Cubismo
- New Year Gala, 100 violins
- Koktel bend (2005)
- Marize (2005)
- Bebi Dol (2005)
- Generacija 5 (2005)
- Legende (2006)
- Miroslav Ilić (2006)
- Leb i Sol (2006)
- Bajaga i Instruktori i Riblja Čorba at the Belgrade Arena (2006/07)
- Bilja Krstić (2007)
- Generacija 5 (2008)
- Patriša Barber (live transmission at Meco channel) (2008)
- ZAZ (2011)
- Buena Vista Social Club vs Omara Portuondo (2012)
- Duško Gojković and RTS Big Band (2012)
- Ladies Sing the Jazz (2012)
- Frajle (2013)
- Milan Edict (Constantinus Magnus, Ninth Symphony, Troubadour, Byzantine music concert by Slobodan Trkulja) (2013)
- Cassandra Wilson (2013)
- Una Saga Serbika (2018)
- Rade Šerbedžija (2018)
Show programs
- Goca Tržan (2005)
- Vlada Maričić (2006)
- Bajaga i Instruktori (2006)
- Marina Tucaković (2006)
- Galija (2010)
- New Year in Petlovac (2011)
- A Hundred Years since the Great War (2018)
- Gitarijada
- EXIT 2005/06.
- Valjevo Jazz Festival 2000/03
- Voxstok blues festival 2006
- Dance Festival 2004/05/06
- Vrnjačka Banja 2007.
- Choir Festival at Saint Sava’s Temple 2011/12
- Belgrade Jazz Festival
- Muzical and entertaimnet series
- Invitation to Dance and All That Dance 2001/04
- Garage 2000/03.
- Sunday Afternoon
- RTS summer caravan
- Ad Libitum 2008/09
- Three Colors of Sound 2015/16
- RTS Clinic 2016
- 60 most beautiful folk songs 2017
- RTS New Year program (2017, 2018)
- EBU spot (2018)
- RTS production annual award for 2005
- RTS production annual award for 2007
- Vuk award for culture for the series The Forgotten Minds of Serbia, directed and co-written by Petar Stanojlović, 2008
- Nominated for the City of Belgrade Award in 2008
- The play Milunka, directed by Petar Stanojlović, won the Audience Gold Medal Siniša Dašić at the Monodrama and Pantomime Festival 2014, as well as the Golden Diploma at the Golden Knight Festival in Moscow 2015
- Winner of several charters, diplomas and thank-you notes for his professional and public work