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What is portal for students and what are its benefits?

Our portal for students was created in order to help students find important information and facilitate the exchange of ideas among students and between students and teaching staff. Every student has at their disposal, 24 hours and 7 days a week, their own internet portal that is constantly being maintained and continuously upgraded.

One place for all information

Use of this portal saves precious time for all participants who otherwise would be spending their time queueing across different institutions and purchasing and filling out various forms, etc. Creation of this system has enabled a continuous build-up and expansion of the available database of knowledge.

When using this portal, at your disposal you will have all the information you need for a strategic planning of your studies.

Information delivered to your inbox

Every important information concerning your studies at Faculty of Contemporary Arts, like online materials being unlocked, how and when to register for an exam or schedule for midterms and finals, exam results, information on various openings and contests, etc. – all this will be sent to you via your student e-mail account.

Downloading educational materials

Via the portal for students, you can download lectures that took place, related exercises and all other educational materials related to those lectures that you might need. This amenity has been predominantly designed for students who work or have some pressing matters or are temporarily unable to attend classes.

After every lecture, teachers upload their presentations to the portal for students. That way, they are provided with the entire content of the lecture, which can be accessed without any limitations.

This is an exceptionally useful form of publishing of lecture-related materials, and it enables you to attend the classes you were unable to go to. Also, this minimizes the need for catching notes and transcribing others’ notes during the lectures, because all that is being said will later become available online. This enables the students to give their full and undivided attention to lectures, instead of having to write down their notes while listening.

Exams: register and check results

In this section of the portal, you can register online for an exam. After the deadline for registration passes, you will see the schedule of exams, along with the information about the rooms in which the exams are to be held, without the need to come to the Faculty in order to obtain the information about the examination schedule.

On this portal, you can also check your midterm results, knowledge assessment results, as well as your results in finals, number of credits gained in individual assessments and your overall results.

Academic calendar and schedule of classes

Current schedule of classes, trainings and consultations will be at your disposal anytime, from anywhere. Also, in this part of the portal, you will be able to check the entire calendar of working days, containing dates of midterm and final exams and deadlines for admission and enrollment.

Your personal schedule and to-do lists

Whenever you need, you can check your schedule and to-do lists concerning all the courses you are taking, according to the curriculum.

Online exercises

Teachers publish online interactive tests for exercising and to serve as helpful tools in your studies.  This helps you learn better, advance faster and pass your exams with more success.

Online library

Online library enables you to browse the database of all books in the library, along with the information on their content, their short description, availability, number of physical copies in the library, etc. You can aways reserve a book that is currently on loan.

Academic rules and regulations

Portal for students gives the opportunity to access this section in which the Faculty publishes its academic rules and regulations, your rights and obligations in the academic process, various official documentation and instructions. This creates an environment in which students are thoroughly informed and well aware of their rights and obligations.