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Faculty of Contemporary Arts – what students have to say

“FCA made an excellent job of shaping me as an actress and preparing me for what was to come”

To me, FCA is one wonderful and grand experience. At first, we hang out with others from our class, and later, with further development, we also collaborate and help each other. All these friendships and collaborations are for life. And that is the real thing. FCA made an excellent job of shaping me as an actress and preparing me for what is to come.

Teachers helped us during our studies, we produced plays, and still as students, we played shows in National Theater. We were on TV, even in the beginning of our studies, we were getting familiar with the camera, learning how to speak on TV, how to act. FCA gave us an array of skills in order for us to be able to work in the future, become somewhat successful and avoid becoming actors with no job.

Aleksandra Manasijević
``The knowledge I learned during the studies opened the doors of a better world for me.``

“Faculty of Contemporary Artis is an institution of culture that have provided me and my numerous colleagues with an exceptional quality of education. As a person who is extremely honored and privileged to be part of an “artistic elite” of this faculty, I can say that, for me, FCA was definitely the right choice.
Extraordinary teachers, top educators and artists, and a exceptional facilities for work – those are the main characteristics of Faculty of Contemporary Arts. “.

“I would point out the quality and expertise of the teachers as the biggest advantage of studying at Faculty of Contemporary Arts. Thanks to the support from exceptional people at FCA, their experience, knowledge and generosity, my learning and advancing was facilitated and full of excitement and joy. To those who are still weighing whether FCA would be the right choice for them or not, I can only say that in case they do not opt for this academy, they will miss the opportunity of acquiring quality knowledge which is above all applicable, and also miss the opportunity to become great artists and obtain the academic degree of the highest level in arts, that being Doctor of Arts.”

“The skills I acquired at Faculty of Contemporary Arts have helped me to enter end-tiers of numerous competitions in the field of art, both in Serbia and abroad. FCA has opened the doors of a completely new, better world in which I entered thanks to my numerous recognitions and participations in prestigious exhibitions, art colonies and by creating paintings for private collectors.”

Mersiha Prušević Dulić

FCA formed me as an actress

Aleksandra Manasijević

For me, FCA was one great, wonderful experience. This is the place where we first become friends with our classmates, and later, as we develop and work, we cooperate with each other, help each other out. These friendships and these collaborations are for life. And that’s the real thing. FCA exquisitely formed as an actress and prepared me for what lies ahead.

We have the best professors in the region

Jovana Todorović

I can freely say, without false modesty, that the Faculty of Contemporary Arts is the faculty with the best teaching personnel in the region of former Yugoslavia. I had the honor and privilege of learning from the best, most of all from professor Vida Ognjenović. In addition to the knowledge and skills I acquired, FCA also made it possible for me to participate at prestigious domestic and foreign festivals. 

Competence and quality: the best choice

Nikola Ugrinović

When I talk about my studies at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts, I always emphasize my professors’ competence, quality and dedication.

Today, when I am practically a few exams away from my master’s degree, I can say that FCA has been my route to the fulfilment of my greatest impulse – making acting my life’s calling. 

FCA exceeded all my expectations

Katarina Vesin

Faculty of Contemporary Arts is an institution that managed to exceed all my expectations! The individual approach to students has helped me advance and absorb knowledge, all the while making sure that I always had someone to ask for advice. Exquisite professors are always available to provide answers and assistance to students, while student service makes sure everything is running smoothly at all times. 

I’ve made incredible progress at FCA

Dragana Mićalović

My colleagues praise me on my incredible progress and how serious I’ve become. This is all thanks to FCA. All my expectations have been exceeded. Dedicated professors, excellent colleagues and a lot of practice – this is what makes FCA unique.

The Faculty of Contemporary Arts is a place that develops and nurtures the potential of young talented people.

Transferring knowledge and the joy of creation in the artistic process allows students to develop, perfect, and refine their potential while simultaneously making their art more visible in professional and artistic circles, even while they are still getting their education. I see the Faculty of Contemporary Arts as an educational institution that relies on traditional pedagogical schools and movements in art while simultaneously keeping up with modern pedagogical outcomes in the field of dramatic art. A message for all students: “With art, good is more beautiful and evil is easier.” (I. S. Turgenev).

Associate Professor Ana Živanović