/ / News / 4. 05. 2023.

From April 19 to 21, 2023, in Valletta, the capital city of Malta, the Generation Z for Green Deal (GENZ4GD) C1 training for young ambassadors of sustainable development was held.

The project was financed by Erasmus+ – the European Union program – and on that occasion, LINKgroup, as the representative of Serbia, sent its participants. They were students from the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade: Katarina Aleksić, Nemanja Pavlović, and Predrag Ilić.

Before going to the training, they were tasked with recording three podcast episodes on the topic of sustainable development. All three episodes left a very positive and professional impression on the other project members, who came from EU member countries: Malta, Germany, Spain, Cyprus, Croatia, Romania, and Bulgaria.

During the training itself, each country prepared a short educational course covering general topics related to sustainable development, the three pillars of sustainable development, micro-problems in local communities, and how they are addressed. As representatives of Serbia, together with their mentor Gloria Martinović, FCA students presented the module “Local Actions for the Development of Local Communities“.

At the end of each lecture, the acquired knowledge was reinforced with interactive workshops, which FCA students will adapt to their needs and present to their colleagues at FCA in the coming months.

In addition to raising awareness about sustainable development and the 17 goals set by the United Nations, all training participants were able to enjoy the beauty and mysteries of Valletta. During the last day of the training, we had a tour of Valletta and a brief sightseeing tour, where we could learn more about Malta’s rich history.