Modern education with the latest technologies in teaching
Students who want to devote their lives to art, the most beautiful profession that involves the exploration of the human spirit and beauty, need the best working conditions. In order for the knowledge and skills they acquire to be in line with the aspirations of our age, they need different technological tools and a modern environment.
Students of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts spend time in the most modern environment, and use the latest technology in their classes. Classrooms, practice rooms and studios are equipped to resemble Google rooms, and the technology available to students in this pleasant space makes learning easier, faster, more interesting and inspiring. This kind of environment encourages young artists to be more productive and therefore more successful.
Interactive whiteboards for better teaching
Some rooms of FSU are equipped with electronic boards, which are also called interactive and smart boards. They make theoretical teaching interactive, multimedia, dynamic and interesting.
In addition to allowing the use of documents from different programs, markup, text enlargement and highlighting with the “spotlight” function, professors and students can choose whether to save the changes made during the lecture or to keep the presentations in their original form.
You can write, circle and draw on the interactive whiteboards, using special pens or your finger, and you can arrange the elements on the board. Everything is in the service of interactive teaching.
Amazon Echo for answers to all questions
Today’s latest gadgets are also used in the education of artists. Amazon Echo is a kind of teaching assistant.
This innovative invention stands out from the others with a special feature it possesses – sensitivity to voice.
By sending voice commands to this special source of knowledge, students can ask Amazon Echo anything they’re interested in and get answers.
Visualization of materials with Samsung Gear VR
The Samsung Gear VR is a goggle-like device that provides a virtual reality experience. Not only can students use this device while studying, but they can also take advantage of virtual reality insights to create cutting edge works of art.
Virtual reality is a new medium that represents an unexplored space, both in visual and dramatic arts. With all the equipment needed to create digital and VR artwork, FSU students have the opportunity to be among the first to use this device for their artwork.
Tablet devices in the classroom
Students of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts follow classes on the most modern tablet devices and iPads, and in addition, they also have access to laptops, i.e. the latest Chromebooks.
With these unique electronic notebooks, students can freely read, research, take notes and make sketches.
In this way, there are no space and time limitations for their learning.
Students can access all sources of knowledge and services of importance to them wherever they are and whenever they want to learn something new.
Research through Google Apps
New sources of knowledge are increasingly available and are all around us, if only we want to use them.
The Internet is becoming a dominant channel of exchange and adoption of new information and knowledge. Quite rightly, when thinking of the Internet, most people’s first association is Google and all its services.
That is why Google applications are used in classes at FSU, which open up numerous possibilities for students.
From e-mail, chat, calendar and shared disk, to electronic texts and news from the world of art, students of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts can find everything they need on their tablet or smartphone.
Ebook Central – electronic library
The electronic online library, Ebook Central, which contains more than 700,000 titles in Serbian and English, is another additional convenience for students and professors of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts.
With access available at any time of the day or night, knowledge, professional texts, literature, screenplays and drama texts are always at their fingertips.